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Friday, February 4, 2011
Great breakfast with words of Life
Friday, February 04, 2011 8:26 AM

2 Corinthians 3:4-6

4 Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. 5 Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God, 6 who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit... gives life.

Yes good word now we have minister of reconciliation we are chose by Him to bring the good news! The war between God and man is over Jesus spread His blood over the mercy set the perfect sacrifice because Him in us we can come to father not need intermediate. We Christians born again and walk on the earth with Him in us Holy Spirit its so cool the new covenant is forever no one can broke that God is love watch this i love
Roamns 8 1 THEREFORE, [there is] now no condemnation (no adjudging guilty of wrong) for those who are in Christ Jesus, who live [and] walk not after the dictates of the flesh, but after the dictates of the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has freed me from the law of sin and of death.3 For God has done what the Law could not do, [its power] being weakened by the flesh [the entire nature of man without the Holy Spirit]. Sending His own Son in the guise of sinful flesh and as an offering for sin, [God] condemned sin in the flesh [subdued, overcame, deprived it of its power over all who accept that sacrifice], 4 So that the righteous and just requirement of the Law might be fully met in us who live and move not in the ways of the flesh but in the ways of the Spirit [our lives governed not by the standards and according to the dictates of the flesh, but controlled by the Holy Spirit].5 For those who are according to the flesh and are controlled by its unholy desires set their minds on and pursue those things which gratify the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit and are controlled by the desires of the Spirit set their minds on and seek those things which gratify the [Holy] Spirit.6 Now the mind of the flesh [which is sense and reason without the Holy Spirit] is death [death that comprises all the miseries arising from sin, both here and hereafter]. But the mind of the [Holy] Spirit is life and [soul] peace [both now and forever].7 [That is] because the mind of the flesh [with its carnal thoughts and purposes] is hostile to God, for it does not submit itself to God’s Law; indeed it cannot.8 So then those who are living the life of the flesh [catering to the appetites and impulses of their carnal nature] cannot please or satisfy God, or be acceptable to Him.9 But you are not living the life of the flesh, you are living the life of the Spirit, if the [Holy] Spirit of God [really] dwells within you [directs and controls you]. But if anyone does not possess the [Holy] Spirit of Christ, he is none of His [he does not belong to Christ, is not truly a child of God]. 10 But if Christ lives in you, [then although] your [natural] body is dead by reason of sin and guilt, the spirit is alive because of [the] righteousness [that He imputes to you].11 And if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus

New covenant just on any situation let heaven flow true you align yourself with words of God and be pursued by His spirit according His words flow from us rivers of life that can touch people representing the Kingdom on earth ahahha so good but the law of the Spirit is life that means those walk on spirit is life carriers Jesus in us is hope of Glory

open the flood gates of heaven
Tuesday, February 01, 2011 8:40 AM

I awake today and talking to Father on my bed and ask him about rain open flood gates of heaven ,He saying to me its open remember Elijah on that time i speak true the prophets ,now i speak true my Son and wen He got baptized the heavens open and never closed Himself say we gone see angels ascending and descending over son of man "us" now we not need wait for the prophet pray for rain or heavens open we can do include prophecy ,there is prophets today in office of prophet yes to equip the body but we all can prophecy so you are open heavens i mean Christians the ministries is for equip the body and body can judge the word and accept or not in love that is one the reason we need each other even prophets can say something its not according heart of the Father
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 9:53 PM
Christmas eve in South San Francisco
Saturday, December 25, 2010 10:32 AM

i hope i can record yesterday at serramonte mall in South San Francisco papa God gave me wonderful gift i walk with my Brazilian Friend and brother in Christ we talking and look for some to buy just having fun son 2 employers of the mall got healed one by my shadow because we can touch some camera there and he scare of lose his job ,so we walk more and saw one man set at wheel chair playing with i phone we approach to him start talk about phone and compare his phone with my i ask why he is on wheel chair he say he had car accident and his spine is numb and pain if he stand up more of minutes i ask if can pray he say yes lay hand on his back he just told me its hot on my back i told stand up and walk he did i ask what happen he say its good just let be numb i command that to leave and he look at me walk around and ask who send you here ? i told Jesus and i see he have apparel on his ears i told him to take he did i lay my hands on His ears both open eh put that apparel on pocket and talk to us for minutes with out that lol Jesus win again wen we left i ask if can record He say not i respect him me and my friend stand way looking what he doing he seat on the chair stand up walk looking at chair like this is awesome lol so we walk let be more and saw one boy with crutches i ask what happen he say he play soccer so i am Brazilian open conversation he had broken bonds an screws on his foot i ask if can pray he say yes that pain left i command the screws to dissolve and he walk with out crutches we left and went to target my friend he wants buy one hat so we walk there he found hat we come to the cashier line i saw one lady walk and pushing her kart i stop she and ask if can pray she say yes she got free from pain on her left side of body so my daughter call me we walk back to her and wait for she com to the target so my friend told me lets see on pants i want buy wen we come there one young man walking with his wife and he had crutches i ask Him what happen he got shot on the knee and doctors not want do surgery because he is young i ask if i can pray he say yes after that he move normal his leg so i ask if 100% he say its better i pray again and ask him for the crutches he gave and walk normal lol we talk i hug him bless and he walk on his wife direction caring the crutches on left and lol she we walk way and looking he not use that crutches anymore there much more testimonies from that place i like to post this because this is call for all us Christians nobody its better of other just because heal people this is about Jesus in us its time to be normal Christian Mathew 10:8 if i can you can much love for all thanks Father God to trust in us i want thanks for my friend from San Francisco to be my partner there He praying with me and witness all happen thank you brother great things God doing true your life