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Saturday, December 31, 2011


(This is Andrew Walsh, Coelho asked me to write for him what happened.) Yesterday i went to his house to visit him and his family. We went to Walmart, it is like Disney-land for Christians, prayed for a ladies sternum, she said she cracked it. She was on pain medication so she said she wouldn't know if she was healed on the spot.

Today we went to Lolas supermarket. Coelho wants to clean his carpets, so in the parking lot he found a brand new bottle of carpet cleaner :D We walked inside and prayed for a man with a cane. He had a pinched nerve on his back. After Coelho prayed for him he was able to walk without a cane. Later found out his wife had cancer. So while Coelho commanded the cancer to leave her body i asked the man if there was anymore pain. So we commanded the rest of the pain to leave his back, and he was 100% healed. After Coelho was done praying for the wife, she said she felt a fire, or a heat, where the cancer was. Coelho was commanding the cancer to burn up in Jesus name.

After we walked back to the car we saw the man and his wife again. I grabbed the chair Coelho had in the back of his car. We sat the man down and found out a leg was shorter than the other one. About an inch shorter in length. Coelho said "grow" and it did :D So now both his legs are even in length. He felt a difference when he stood up and walked!


On the way back to his house we went to dominos to pick up pizza for us and his family. There we saw a lady ordering. she began to share about all her pains and that she had cancer. After over hearing, Coelho talked to her and kicked the cancer off her. She said she felt a tightness in her neck where the cancer was. She also said she felt a heat too. While we waited for our pizza i got to listen to her story and whats she is going through and i spoke hope into her life and what Jesus can do for her.


Then we came home for lunch. The phone began to ring. It was a couple, they were friends of the other couple we ministered to in Lola's supermarket. They recommended us to a friend (This is how you know it works, when people recommend you to people they love.)

When they called us we met up with them. At first they thought we were witch doctors. "Curandeiros" They are Spanish speaking. We told them we are Christians.

When we went there we asked them what happened. The man had a really bad pain that went down from the back of his leg, and into his foot. He couldn't walk without a lot of pain.

Then Coelho heard in his head. "This is not going to happen". Then Coelho told me to pray for him.

After 2-3 times he was completely healed. He became full of joy when he could move and bend his foot.

This is the gospel, that we can bring freedom because Jesus suffered so they dont have to. That we can tell a man who could not walk, "your free, you can walk again, with no more pain".

After his leg was healed, he shared with us that he also had prostate cancer. Coelho began to pray for him and he said he felt a burning inside him and his back. Then we gave them a bible to them and Coelho explained the gospel and Jesus. They both had a catholic background, and they received Jesus and were filled with the Holy Spirit.

Win all the time!!!
We are more than conquers through christ. Romans 8:37