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Tuesday, March 29, 2011
This note write by sister in Christ i ask for permission to post because i really like this take your time to read. Write by Melissa Murdock on Tuesday, March 29, 2011 at 7:43am

Thank you for being an amazing family in Christ and pointing me to Papa!


"The moment you make it about being angry with the enemy instead of loving people, you've failed, because love never fails."-God


I heard that one afternoon while getting into the word. The more I meditated on that the more the flood of scripture came with it. If faith works in love (Gal 5:6), and love never fails (1 Cor 13:8), then there is such a thing as faith that never fails! Then a thought shot through my head that had me rebuking the devil, but a soon found out it wasn't the devil.

"Jesus could have failed", boy I was casting down every vain imagination you name it lol That riled me up so bad. When I finally quieted down I heard the rest of it "Jesus could have failed, IF He did not act in love", and I started going whoa whoa whoa, He IS love so He couldn't fail! Then a flood of scripture. He was tempted in all points yet without sin (Heb 4:15), so He had the opportunity to sin. So when the Pharisees came up and said perform a sign, what would He be compelled by, love or the need to be right and prove who He is? He acted in love, and in many cases love looked like either rebuking them or walking away. That took a lot of faith in the Father to keep Him in grace! He really did come down and become like one of us!

Then I heard "anything not in faith is sin", (Romans 14:23). I started to see a parallel here. If it's not in faith it's sin, and faith works by love. So if you're not operating in love you're not abiding in God because God is love (1 John 4:8,16). I started to see He is really serious about love. He is jealous for us.

So I asked a question anyone would have asked I'm sure. What about the temple and driving the money changers out? I mean hello, does a whip=love?? So I went to the word (John 2:15-17) In verse 17 was my answer (definition and emphasis added) "Then His disciples remembered that it was written, "Zeal [excitement of mind, ardour(Fiery intensity of feeling), fervour(passion) of spirit] for Your house has eaten Me up."

He then showed me though anger was a part of the equation, love was the primary drive. The anger expressed here was a part of fervent passionate love that would do anything for love's sake. He showed me "Notice I did not address a demon or doctrine but showed them where their hearts were and they saw where mine was placed. In that exchange, religious spirits were angered because in the flesh by the Spirit I defeated the enemy on his own turf. I ddn't just talk about it or try to persuade them to change their minds, I just did it." I started to remember a message I heard from Dan Mohler about "Jesus in the Flesh". It started to make sense.

Everything just fell into place. Rigtheous anger is fine, but it's motivation should be love. I know I have been guilty of not doing it like that. I would get angry just for the fact of "That's not right! I have rights!", and it became more about my "rights" then about the love of God. It became an anger and frustration, and wondered why when I stand in authority demons would leave but I never truly nurtured or loved things back into life.

Anger, and militancy are amazing tools when motivated by love. There is this drive and determination in them that just pushes you over the edge and radical things can happen! They can become your bondage and produce stress and aggravation in you when not motivated by love, and things can become radically destructive. The word is true, if it's not in love you fail. The moment your focus is off of loving people and it merely becomes "picking a fight with the enemy" and you're not in love, then we've failed. God is love, and we're to abide in Him. If we say we're in God and we don't love, we're made out to be liars (1 John 4).

Needless to say this revelation has caused me to repent, change the way I think about "warfare". The enemy is using people/civilians like meatshields. When I'm in love I'm as wise as a serpent to know when and how to strike at the right target without hesitation, and gentle as a dove to the people. It's having a sword in one hand and the baby in another. Ok, I get it Papa. Help me to live it and be it!